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Lauren Millman, D.C.  Bio,Thomas Forest, D.C. Bio, Todd Hubbard, D.C., M.S. Bio

Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ October 10, 2012 ~ Pages 85-91


Objective: To review the effectiveness of chiropractic care using a specific upper cervical chiropractic technique in the case of a 10-year-old male patient with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).

Clinical Features: This case report describes the changes in subjective pain and weight bearing following specific upper cervical chiropractic care of a 10-year-old boy with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.

Intervention: Upon initial examination, indications of upper cervical subluxation were evident, based upon radiographic findings, thermography, and leg length inequality. Chiropractic care utilizing a specific upper cervical technique protocol (Blair upper cervical technique) was administered in order to correct the upper cervical subluxation.

Outcome: Although still an ongoing case, the following report is a detailed 10-month record of this 10-year-old boy’s response to his upper cervical technique, including a decrease in symptoms associated with CRPS Type 1, noting them as less frequent, of less duration and decreased severity.

Conclusion: Due to the marked and timely improvement of this patient, this case report exhibits the need for further investigation into the use of a non-invasive, light-force, cost-effective, and highly specific approach to correcting upper cervical subluxations which have an effect on this condition and potentially similar cases.

Key Indexing Terms:upper cervical chiropractic, Blair Upper Cervical technique, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, spine manipulation, chiropractic; thermography

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