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Michael W. Shreeve, DC Bio & Francesca Momplaisir, DC Bio 

Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ November 18, 2013 ~ Pages 71-76


Objective: The purpose of this paper is to discuss the effects of chiropractic management with a child medically diagnosed with a tic disorder.

Clinical Features: The patient was an 8-year-old boy who presented to the chiropractor after being diagnosed by his pediatrician with a tic disorder. Patient history revealed that the tics began at the age of 5 with head nodding and twisting of the head. The chiropractic examination revealed upper cervical subluxation, there was restriction on the left C0-C1, paravertebral muscle spasm on the right of C1-C7, edema on the left of C2, and tenderness at the C2 dorsal root ganglion.

Intervention and Outcomes: The treatment plan utilized the Grostic Procedure. Over the course of 7 months the patient was seen 12 times and adjusted twice at the atlas. There was complete resolution of the tic disorder and continued follow up care showed no return of the tics after 1 year.

Conclusion: The result in this case suggests that the Grostic Procedure may be responsible for the reduction and elimination of the neurological symptoms in this patient. The results in this case lend support to the subluxation based care of children with motor tic disorders.

Key indexing terms: chiropractic, motor tic disorder, tic disorder, vertebral subluxation complex, subluxation, tics, Grostic Procedure, thermography   

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