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Correction of Cervical Kyphosis & Health Concerns Following a Single Adjustment Utilizing the Pierce Chiropractic Technique


James Galgano DC Bio & Daniel Turo DC Bio 

Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ June 9, 2011 ~ Pages 37-43



Objective: To report immediate reduction of cervical kyphosis utilizing the Pierce Results SystemTM of chiropractic for correction of vertebral subluxation following one adjustment.


Clinical Features:  A 36 year old male presented with a chief complaint of left upper thoracic pain radiating into the right shoulder and arm.  Other symptoms included cervicalgia, lumbago, asthma, bilateral forehead twitch, sinus congestion, asthma, allergies, and chronically sprained ankles.  The lateral cervical radiograph revealed a cervical kyphosis measuring -45cm radius using an AcuArc ruler.  Videofluoroscopy revealed multiple levels of abnormal spinal biomechanics. These findings are all indicative of vertebral subluxation. 


Intervention and Outcomes:  Strict adherence to the Pierce Results SystemTM protocol using infrared thermography, plain film radiography, and videofluoroscopy determined vertebral subluxations in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and pelvic regions.  Conservative full spine chiropractic care was delivered on a Zenith 230 Hilo (60 stationary) table with the Pierce 3-D headpiece. One hour after the first adjustment, a new plain film lateral cervical radiograph revealed the cervical curve had been restored to +55cm lordosis, a correction of 48%.  After seven visits, the cervical lordosis revealed a +23cm, a total correction of 82%.  As noted were improvements in thermography readings and subjective complaints.


Conclusions:  This case study lends evidence to support the contention that spinal correction can be achieved through reduction of vertebral subluxation. Additional research is needed to further explore the effectiveness of the Pierce Technique in correction of subluxation.


Key Words: Pierce Results System, chiropractic, cervical kyphosis, vertebral subluxation, videofluoroscopy, kinesiopathology, thoracic pain, neck pain

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