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Retained Primitive Reflexes: Their relation to Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Attention Deficits, and Learning Difficulties

Blumenthal J. 

Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ May 7, 2008 ~ Page 15



Introduction: The in-utero emergence and organization of a set of ‘primitive’ (i.e., brainstem level) reflexes allows infants to perform several automatic, survival-oriented functions during their first year of life. With normal development, these primitive reflexes…


Methods: The Fear Paralysis Reflex (FPR), if retained beyond 2 months after birth, is associated with excess parasympathetic responses, including fear of new or novel situations, failure of social cueing, withdrawal, anxiety, and panic disorders. This reflex, which emerges first, is also usually…


Discussion: It is recommended that children who present with pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), autistic spectrum disorders (ASD), attention deficits (ADD/ADHD), and/or learning difficulties (LD) be evaluated for RPRs. Primitive reflexes are normal components of our phylogenetic and perinatal neurologic…


Conclusion: The goal of RPR therapy is to integrate primitive reflexes into the brainstem, allowing midbrain and cortical functions to develop and take precedence. There is supportive research that notes..


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