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The Relationship Between Cervical Kyphosis and Idiopathic Scoliosis

Mark Morningstar DC, Clayton J. Stitzel DC 

Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ October 13, 2008 ~ Pages 1-4



Objective: To specifically address cervical spine alterations in scoliotic patients.


Methods: In this study we examined the radiographs of 46 patients diagnosed with idiopathic scoliosis. Measurements included the degree of cervical lordosis and the amount of scoliosis measured by Cobb’s angle.


Results: The average age of all patients was 31 years. Statistical analysis revealed that patients with a scoliosis above 30° were statistically significantly more likely to have a cervical kyphosis than control patients, as well as patients with scoliosis less than 30°.


Conclusion: Patients with idiopathic scoliosis greater than 30° displayed a higher trend towards cervical kyphosis than scoliosis populations with a Cobb angle less than 30°. It may be possible that the abnormal biomechanics associated with cervical kyphotic malalignment plays a role in the progression of idiopathic scoliosis.


Key Words: Chiropractic, scoliosis, cervical kyphosis, Pettibon technique, x-ray

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