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The Resolution of Chronic Colitis with Chiropractic Care Leading to Increased Fertility

Charles L. Blum, D.C. 

Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ August 31, 2003 ~ Pages 1-5



Introduction: A 32-year-old female presented at my office for chiropractic care of her chronic colitis and did not disclose her condition of infertility during the course of care at this office. There appears to be some relationship between chiropractic care and relief of some visceral conditions relating to the colon and female reproductive organs.


Methods: Chiropractic care and specifically Sacro Occipital Technique’s (SOT) such as R+C factors utilizing orthopedic block placement and cervical stairstep procedures, occipital fiber analysis and treatment, bloodless surgery: chiropractic manipulative reflex technique (CMRT), and category one block placement and protocol were employed.


Results: The patient had her chronic condition of colitis relieved and relatively simultaneously became pregnant after giving up on allopathic fertility treatments for 7 years.


Conclusion: As with all single subject case studies it is difficult to extrapolate finding from one result to treatment to the populous at large, however due to the success in this case further studies appear to be indicated.


Key WordsChiropractic, Sacro Occipital Technique, SOT, Infertility, Fertility, Colitis, Bloodless Surgery, CMRT.

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