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Deedra Pennington, B.S., D.C., & James D. Miller, D.C.

Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ November 30, 2015 ~ Pages 34-40


Objective:  The rationale of this case report is to discuss the effective results of Atlas Orthogonal (AO) chiropractic in the management of a patient with Meniere’s disease after undergoing ineffective right Vestibular nerve section.

Clinical Features A 63-year-old woman presented with a 10-year medical history of right sided Meniere’s disease with associated tinnitus, sensorineural hearing loss of ~40 decibels and vertigo. Following AO exam it was determined the patient had a vertebral subluxation complex of the first cervical vertebra.

Intervention and Outcome:  The patient presented with Meniere’s symptoms to an Atlas Orthogonal chiropractor one-year post unsuccessful vestibular nerve section. She was examined according to the Atlas Orthogonal protocol  and her atlas vertebra adjusted. Patient’s Meniere’s symptoms were painlessly and non-surgically reduced.

Conclusion:  This case report indicates that Atlas Orthogonal is beneficial in the treatment and management of a vertebral subluxation complex and Meniere’s disease along with its related symptoms i.e.; tinnitus, sensorineural hearing loss, headaches and vertigo after a vestibular nerve section failed to reduce and/or resolve original symptoms. Due to surgical section of the vestibular nerve and resultant cranial opening, complete resolution of MD is prevented due to incapability of the vestibular nerve to regain its intended function. These findings were noted and confirmed.

Key Words:  Meniere’s, subluxation, atlas orthogonal, vertigo, tinnitus, upper-cervical chiropractic, vestibular nerve section, vertebral subluxation complex

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