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Charmaine A. Herman, M.A., D.C.

Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research ~ July 28, 2016 ~ Pages 24-30



Background: The prevalence of low back pain in children has been estimated at 50% and may begin as early as 4-years-old. Chiropractic management is a conservative treatment option.

Method: This is a retrospective case report. The patient presented with intermittent, moderate middle and low back pain, rated 5/10 on a pain scale, with a 2-year duration. She had previously received stretching and massage, but the pain persisted. No traumatic event was reported, and no other health care provider was previously consulted.  Examination revealed negative findings in Straight Leg Raiser, Heel/Toe Walk, and Kemps tests. However, there was decreased left lateral flexion with pain and decreased right cervical rotation. Soft tissue static palpation of the cervical region noted rigid paraspinal muscles (superior oblique, inferior oblique, splenius cervicis and levator scapulae) on the right. Foramina Compression test was positive on left. Various indicators for an upper cervical subluxation were found. The Blair upper cervical chiropractic technique was used to identify vertebral subluxations using specific radiographs.

Result: The patient received 5-months of chiropractic care. An upper cervical technique was used to correct the vertebral subluxation. The patient reported resolution of her middle and low back complaint.

Discussion: The increase prevalence of back pain (BP), especially low back pain (LBP) in children has been the topic of many studies in both the medical and chiropractic professions. Reduction of the upper cervical subluxation may result in the reduction of compensatory subluxations throughout the spine.

Conclusion: Significant improvement of the pediatric patient’s complaint of low back pain in this case report demonstrates the need for further investigation. The use of a non-invasive, light-force, and highly specific method of correction upper cervical subluxations may prove to be a safe and cost-effective method of care for pediatric back pain in similar cases.

Key Words: Blair upper cervical technique, low back pain, children, vertebral subluxation, cervical spine

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