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Jordan Cooper, DC & Luke Howell, DC

Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic ~ Volume 2017 ~ Issue 2 ~ Pages 93-108



Objective: To describe the outcomes experienced by a 10-year-old male suffering from otitis media (OM) undergoing chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxations, to review the literature on this topic and offer proposed mechanisms for the positive outcomes.  

Clinical Features: Ten-year-old boy presented to the office with bilateral fluid filled ears along with allergies and sleep disturbances. The patient was prescribed Flonase and Zyrtec for his allergies. The patient had loss of lordosis in his cervical curve, sacral deviation in his pelvis and lack of segmental motion on videofluoroscopy at T3, Occiput, and L4-5 on right. 

Intervention and Outcomes: Pierce Results System Care (PRS) was the technique utilized. Prone toggle on T3 was delivered. After the first adjustment draining of the ear started and continued the next two days. After two weeks of care X-rays were retaken and showed restoration of lordosis of the cervical curve and balance of the pelvis. The child’s otitis media resolved.

This case demonstrates how specific chiropractic care to remove subluxations resulted in resolution of otitis media and restored the cervical curve. Further research to examine the effect of curve correction and chiropractic care on outcomes related to OM is indicated.

Key words:Chiropractic, Vertebral Subluxation, Adjustment, Pierce Result SystemTM, Videofluoroscopy, Instrumentation, Otitis Media, Cervical Correction, spinal manipulation

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