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Improvement in Idiopathic Scoliotic and Sub-Scoliotic Curvatures in Children Following Subluxation Correction Utilizing the Pierce Results System: A Retrospective Analysis of Outcomes

Eric Jaszewski DC, Jessica Harden DC & Mark Smith DC

Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic ~ Volume 2016 ~ Issue 4 ~ Pages 118-126




Objective: The intent of this study is to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Pierce Results System of vertebral subluxation analysis and correction in 14 patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and 22 patients with ‘sub-scoliotic’ spinal curvatures.

Methods: Plain film A-P lumbopelvic X-rays of 14 subjects aged 7-16 with idiopathic scoliosis of 11 degrees or higher were evaluated prior to, and after at least 2 weeks of Pierce Results chiropractic care using the Cobb-Lippman method of scoliosis mensuration.  A ‘sub-scoliotic’ group of 22 subjects aged 2-17 with lesser curvatures of 7 to 10 degrees were also evaluated in the same manner.  All subjects were patients in a private clinic in which the Pierce Results System of correcting vertebral subluxation was the only method of intervention. This study was reviewed and approved by the institutional review board of the Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation.

Results: The scoliosis sub-group experienced an average correction of 25.96% over an average of 4.75 specific spinal adjustments. The sub-scoliosis group experienced an average correction of 51.84% over an average of 6.41 adjustments.  Six subjects in the sub-scoliosis group experienced 100% correction upon post-X-ray.

Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that:  1) Pierce Results chiropractic care involving specific spinal adjustment for the correction of vertebral subluxation alone is a potentially viable conservative intervention for idiopathic scoliosis, 2) intervention prior to the point that a patient can be considered to have a true scoliotic curve may be more effective based on the sub-scoliosis group’s results, and 3) the absolute amount of intervention may not be as important for spinal correction as a conservative, methodical approach to spinal analysis.  This is the largest study to date to objectively examine the results of a group of patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis from a random sampling in an individual practice following a treatment protocol involving specific spinal adjustment alone.

Keywords: Subluxation, Adjustment, Manipulation, Pierce Results System, Adolescent, Scoliosis, Chiropractic

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