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Laura L. Stone, DC & Joel Alcantara, DC 

Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic ~ June 17, 2019 ~ Pages 63-70



Objective: To describe the positive health outcomes in a child with headaches, autism, ADHD and OCD undergoing chiropractic care.

Clinical Features: A. 11-year-old male with autism presented for care with complaints of headaches concomitant with a medical diagnosis of Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. His headaches affected his school attendance and sleep. Prescribed pain medication provided temporarily relief. The patient was determined to have subluxations at the left ilium (i.e., PI1IN5), the S2 vertebrae (i.e., P-L sacrum), the T8 vertebrae (i.e., PRS), the C2 vertebrae (i.e., PRS), the C1 vertebrae (i.e., AIRP) and the occiput (i.e., AS-RS-RA).

Intervention and Outcome: The patient was cared for with a combination of Gonstead and Thompson Techniques. The patient’s headache symptoms improved as did his behavioral problems as measured by the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist for parents. His quality of life improved as measured by the PROMIS-25 parent proxy measure. The PROMIS-29 demonstrated compromised quality of life in the patient’s father while the IPC-18 showed the patient’s father as experiencing a positive interpersonal process with his son’s healthcare.

Conclusion: This study provided supporting evidence on the benefits of chiropractic care in patients with ASD, document the burden of raising a child with ASD and parental satisfaction with their child’s chiropractic care.

Keywords: Chiropractic, vertebral subluxation, adjustment, headaches, autism, ADHD, obsessive compulsive

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