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Jennifer Wozniak, DC & Kevin Schultz, DC

Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research ~ January 20, 2021 ~ Pages 1-8



Objective: To describe the effects of subluxation-based chiropractic care on a 37-year-old female suffering from primary dysmenorrhea.

Clinical Features:  A 37-year-old female presented to a private chiropractic office suffering from dysmenorrhea, shoulder pain and low back pain.

Interventions and Outcomes: A case history and chiropractic physical examination were completed on the patient. Torque Release Technique® (TRT) was used to examine the patient for vertebral subluxation. The patient underwent four months of care and two reassessments. Thermography and surface electromyography (SEMG) were used to objectively assess the patient over the period of care. Following chiropractic, she no longer experienced debilitating menstrual cramps, no longer had to take days off work due to the pain and cramps. She previously had a five-day menstrual cycle, but since care it decreased to three days. Her sleep also improved.

 Conclusion: The findings from this case study suggest that subluxation-based chiropractic care may benefit females that suffer from dysmenorrhea. The decrease in inhibition to the nervous system via the removal of interference allows the central nervous system to function at optimal potential. More research is needed to assess chiropractic care and its effects on female reproductive health. 

Key Words: chiropractic, dysmenorrhea, Torque Release Technique®, vertebral subluxation, menstruation, thermography


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